This one resource no introduction even to a non-professioal person. As the primary agency for disease control, disease prevention and health promotion activities, WHO designs the protocols to be followed worldwide.
WHO Health Topics
Lists WHO Projects, initiatives, activities, information products organized by Health Topic. You can also use the search function to avail the specific information (Eg guidelines for management of neonatal tetanus) you seek.
Data and Statistics
This is the WHO's point of access to the world health statistics. Every piece of data made available to WHO is available here in a very organized manner
Evidence Based Guidelines
WHO defines guidelines as recommendations that can impact upon health policies or clinical interventions. Development of recommendations are one of the major functions of WHO. Here are the list of the most recent guidelines listed in the alphabetical order.
Contains key WHO books including World Health Report, World Health Statistics, International Classification of diseases, International Pharmacopoeia etc. All of these are available for online reference.
Eg Access the International Pharmacopoeia here