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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ophthalmology Atlas for Medical Students

Image Library - Sarawak Eye Hospital

This is a comprehensive collection of images obtained with permission from the patients of Sarawak Eye Hospital, Malaysia. Each of the image in this ophthalmology atlas is accompanied by a small description of the actual case so that the student gets a good clinical experience.

There is also a weekly quiz if you want to test your knowledge.

Websight MD

The link will take you to the Image index of this atlas.  There is also a glossary of terms used in Opthalmology along with a short description on each.

There is also an Eye Disease Simulator, with which you can get an idea about how the patient see the world. This will enable you to ask precise questions while taking history. Descriptions are not provided with the atlas images but a short explanation is there with the Eye disease simulator.

Red Atlas

This website is a free, electronic atlas of ophthalmic diseases designed to help medical students in learning to identify the diseases through pattern recognition.

The site is divided into seven major heading under which different diseases are listed according to their name and their findings. Related diseases are further categorized into groups for better understanding. There is also a quiz section
which helps to measure the level of understanding by the identification of images.

Note: Red Atlas is currently not operational. The page shows 'loading' for long time and then fails. This was the best online atlas in ophthalmology. So I am just putting the URL in hope of its coming back.
