Visible Human Project
This project aims to provide complete, detailed cross sectional anatomy images of male and female human body. Images are available in three modes viz CT, MR and photo. The information that this project is extremely large so that lot of applications are built around the database to provide easier access to the information. I am adding the best of the application that uses the data from Visible Human Project.
RAAViewer - Radiological Anatomy Atlas Viewer
This free program available for bot Mac and Windows allows viewing of labeled human anatomy images. Each image is connected to a detailed description of the image in focus. The software contains more than 1500 anatomical images hence the download size is large (203MB for Macs and 193MB for Windows). Nevertheless it is a must have for all medical students.
3D rendering of the images in Visible Human Project is provided in this site to aid easier understanding. This project is created by The Lister Hill National Center
for Biomedical Communications. The project is currently under development and at present rendering from male chest area and cut away views of male body from all sides are available.
Visible Human Project Browser from University of Michigon
Currently Female Dataset is available in complete form
Visible Human Server at EPFL
This is an excellent resource providing 3D rendering and real time navigation through slices of male dataset. You need to register for free to access this resource. Register here